A payment automation solution that can be added to any ICHRA so it works like a traditional plan. Employees are removed from the process, alleviating the burden of managing paperwork and allowing time to be spent where it matters most.
Simplify ICHRA reimbursement.
Eliminate the ICHRA reimbursement burden and provide employers and employees the experience they desire by adding ICHRA payment automation to enhance any ICHRA offering.
One seamless solution for managing ICHRA reimbursements.
Automate Carrier Payments
Consolidated funding enables appropriate carrier payments without employee involvement.
Consolidate Payment Reporting
Access to real-time funding reports make employee payroll deductions a breeze.
Eliminate The Paperwork
Get out of the day-to-day by eliminating reimbursement requests and/or substantiation documentation.
Ensure Regulatory Compliance
Premium Payment Manager processes adhere to all regulations to ensure “tax-free” status for all reimbursements.
Familiar process, new options with ICHRA payment automation.
API integration
Automated carrier payments
Flexible carrier payment methods
Real-time funding reports
Regulatory compliance
Reimbursement documentation
Discover ICHRA simplicity.
Say goodbye to clunky reimbursement.
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