Digital Payment Adoption Driven by Provider Choice

In the past 5 years, the healthcare industry has seen sweeping changes in how care is provided. A digital transformation is underway, from the rapid adoption of virtual care visits during the pandemic to using artificial intelligence in diagnostics and clinical settings.

Despite these electronic advancements in care, many administrative processes haven’t undergone digital transformation. The number of costly manual payments health plans, administrators, and insurers disburse to providers continues to grow. From 2021 to 2023, healthcare claims payments processed manually increased.1

Many providers are reluctant to adopt electronic claims payments. This can be due to technology and resource restrictions. Or they may deem the amount of work required to establish an ACH connection with a plan not worth the investment. Further, when providers do see the value yet have a poor experience with cumbersome onboarding and a process that doesn’t integrate with their existing workflows, it’s enough to send anyone running back to paper checks.

The cost and effort associated with converting providers to ACH remain high, often with relatively lackluster results.

Download the full solutions brief to discover how ECHO solves this business challenge.


1 2023 CAQH Index Report